Pearl Island Series
Perfect Trilogy
Texas Heatwave

Heartwarming Romance

by USA Today bestselling author Julie Ortolon

Reviewers from Publisher’s Weekly to Romantic Times have praised the contemporary romance novels by USA Today bestselling author Julie Ortolon for being “fun,” “fast passed,” and “filled with genuine heart.”

Ortolon is best known for two award winning series: the ongoing Pearl Island Series, and the Perfect Trilogy.

eBook Cover for Falling for You, Book 1 in the Pearl Ilsand Series by Julie Ortolon

Book One of the Pearl Island Series, Falling for You

Winner of the Booksellers Best Award for Best Single Title Contemporary Romance

“I hadn’t realized what a wonderful knack [Ortolon] has for building her characters and putting them into real-life situations. Nor what depths of emotions I’d find in Falling for You. If the sexual tension alone is not enough to keep you reading, there is excitement in watching the plans for the Pearl Island B&B go forth.”— Romance Reviews Today

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Book One of the Perfect Trilogy, Almost Perfect

Rita Finalist and Readers Choice Award Winner from Affaire de Coeur Magazine

“4 STARS! If you have not read a book by this author, then you don’t know what you are missing! Julie Ortolon has been blessed with the gift of what I call ‘Enchanted Writing.’ Try this title and see for yourself. Resistance will be futile.”—Detra Fitch, Huntress Reviews

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Available in Print, eBook, and Audiobook

All books in the Pearl Island Series and the Perfect Trilogy are available as paperbacks, ebooks, and audiobooks. Visit each book page to read excerpts and listen to sound samples.

 Audiobook cover for Almost Perfect, a romance novel by Julie Ortolon